Saturday, December 26, 2009

Snowball Sling

I and my sons were out playin' in the snow Christmas afternoon. Sledding down the back yard and chuckin' snow balls.
We discovered that a giant waterballoon sling-shot can fling a snowball at an alarming rate of speed for an amazing distance...
Joe is going to bring one back to school with him. Plenty of snow in Upstate NY. He plans to ambush his fellow classmates from
the balcony of his dorm building. Cool. (Literally...)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Christmas Tree Stump Chain

Not much to look at but I like it a lot. Every year I must cut a slice off the trunk of the Christmas tree before I put it up so it'll suck water better. I save the stumps and mark them with the year and put them on a chain. I have stumps going back to 1984...

Friday, December 18, 2009

1982: Our First Christmas Together

These photos were shot at Christmastime 6 months after we were married.

Our first home was a nice townehouse in Navy Housing - completely furnished with antiques (1950s vintage). The Dog's name was "Candy". Our first little Christmas tree was propped on top of the spare tire from our 1980 GMC pickup truck. I still use that toolbox. Barb was expecting our first child, Stephanie...That ice field behind me in one of the photos was a hunting ground for (ohmygosh!) baby seals.

We were stationed at a US Navy Intelligence's Integrated Undersea Surveillance System facility in Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada. Our crew detected, tracked, and provided targeting info on Soviet nuclear submarines in the Arctic Ocean. Barb worked Supply and I ran the Calibration Lab in Operations. The IUSS system was Classified until the mid-90' they use other technology for that mission.

Our friends were Dan and Emily Walsh. Dan went on after this duty station to work at the Pentagon and then for a Navy SEAL unit. I think Dan did his 20 yrs. with the Navy and jumped over to the private sector. Last I heard, Emily is in management for "Child Time" learning centers in VA. We still get a Christmas card from them every year...

Monday, December 14, 2009

New Song: This Christmas

I put this song down on paper as an answer to prayer.
I had the opportunity to sing this for my friends at church last Sunday. It was hard to do and I think more than a few could see that I was struggling with it, trying not to lose my composure. I got-r-done though...

(Notated with Guitar Chords)

s. kappesser 2009

[Intro Am D G]

G Em
Oh, this Christmas will be diff’rent,

Am D
Than many in the past,

G Em
Things just aren’t the same now,

Am D
Time has gone too fast.
G Em
Haven’t seen old friends,

Am D
In a while - - I don’t know,

G Em
And a cold, hard feelin’ settles in,

Am D
As I watch the fallin’ snow…
Oh, this Christmas will be

Am D
Friends have come and gone,

G Em
Mem’ries of days gone by,

Am D
Makes it hard to sing this song.


G Em
The only Hope I have is here,

Am D
The Book shouts words of joy,

G Em
It began so long ago,

Am D
With the birth of a Holy Boy.

The sky lit up,

The Host sang out,

It must’ve been a glorious site!

A baby born from High above,

Have no fear in His awesome love,

I know I found the Light.

G Em
Oh, this Christmas will be diff’rent,

Am D
Can I be strong and able?

G Em
I am told that Hope’s alive

Am D
It was born in a Christmas stable.

G Em
Oh, this Christmas will be diff’rent,

Am D
While some things cannot be,

G Em
Love is strong, as it was ment,

Am D
It’s a gift He gave to me…
G Em
Yes, this Christmas will be diff’rent,

Am D
Than many in the past,

G Em
But in many ways, it’ll be the same

Am D
It’s finally here, at last…

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