Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ryan Edward Kappesser's Birthday

Ryan weighed 8lb. 4 oz. Ryan is 21 inches long. Ryan's hair is long enough to comb. Ryan's "powers" are amazing - he has taken complete control of 2 families...

At this point, they just wanted to get some sleep...

New little uncle looks at new nephew...

This nurse was a Godsend, like an angel. She was there for Takiyah and coordinated support...We need to give her some flowers today.

A long day for the new family...

Nothing woke Ryan even though the room was noisy and crowded...

Barb peeks in...

Takiyah's Dad Ted watches the SPEED Channel while waiting for his daughter to come out of recovery.

Sherry in her wheelchair. Her feet are slowly healing from the operation 2 weeks ago.

We all wait for Takiyah and Ryan and Robert to come out of the Recovery Room.

Waiting for Takiyah and Ryan and Robert...

Ted snaps me while I snap him. Lotsa cameras in the room yesterday...

I would die for this little guy. Ryan is the first Kappesser of this generation. None of my siblings has children, and none of my Kappesser cousins had Kappesser boys. Ryan can carry on the family name.

The new Familie Kappesser...

I still need to wrap my head around Robert being a DAD...

Ryan's got a full head of hair. His hands were still a little blue when this photo was taken - about an hour after he took his first breath of God's air.

Ryan seems content outside of the womb.

Bob masks up getting ready for the operating room.

Takiyah was in labor 21 hours, but it stopped. It was time for a Caesarian Section.

Barb drank Bob's Mountain Dew. I tried to drink all the coffee in the Starbuck's down the street...

The Grandmas patiently wait...

Barb and Joy hold Takiyah's hands during a contraction.

Bob catches a few Zs.

Joy lives up to her name - she is so happy.

The bottom graph shows the contractions are about 90 seconds apart at this point.

Just waiting...

nurse checks Takiyah's vitals...

Bob catches a few Zs.

The Grandmas were smiling alot.

While waiting for Ryan, something on TV catches their attention.

Photos are also posted on my Facebook site:

Friday, May 1, 2009


I'll never regret my service. I am glad to have had the opportunity to be a part of something of real value.
I stumbled upon these documents from "back in the day". I had forgotten about this and I don't know why. It was a big deal in those days, and an honor to be recognized for simply doing my job.

(I still had to pay for beers at the enlisted club that month though...)

That's Capt. Bunch handing me this award. He was the best Commander I ever served under. The guy was fearless, never slept, and would support any of his men in a heartbeat. He was a stickler for the safety of his men too.
He once called me to quarters because he had spotted me (through watch-stander's binoculars!) driving too fast to get to my duty station. His office was on the 12th floor of the "Q Building" on the base, and he could see all from there. He told me if I didn't cool it he would impound my pickup for a week. After that I paid attention to my speedometer.

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